Reliability you can count on

By August 14, 2020 October 23rd, 2020 MetroCount, News

Successful Western Australian company MetroCount recently engaged RBSS to help maximise their existing solar system and provide a reliable back-up power solution.

Headquartered in Fremantle – MetroCount produces world-class technology for monitoring the movement of vehicles, bikes and people. The company provides tailored hardware and traffic analysis software solutions, service and support for clients all over the world.

RBSS were asked to review their existing commercial 30kW PV grid connect solar system, and it was evident they were not maximising its return, exporting as much as 60% of their solar yield to the utility every day with no financial return.

RBSS have been able to provide a solution to harness the excess solar yield by storing it in a 30kWh Redflow Battery Storage System.

This battery system will enable MetroCount to store excess generated energy for use in the evening and provide crucial back-up capabilities for their IT equipment. Power back-up capability was paramount in the design considerations as the client is reliant on a robust, 24/7 IT network for their international operations.

RBSS are very pleased we could meet MetroCount’s design requirements, expectations and most of all – budget.